Organic Click through Rate for a Keyword: More Organic Clicks give a boost in ranking for that particular keyword.
Organic CTR For all Keywords: More Organic Clicks give a boost in ranking for all keywords.
Bounce Rate: Bounce Rate is the rate of people who visits your website but don’t come again. Hence lesser the bounce rate is, better a site gets in ranking.
Direct Traffic: Google determines if a people visit a site more often or not. Sites with more direct traffic are ranked higher than sites with less direct traffic.
Repeat Traffic: Google also keeps a check that people visiting a page comes to visit it again or not. Sites with constant visitors are ranked higher.
Blocked Sites: Earlier this was used, but now it has been disabled by Google.
Chrome Bookmarks: Pages which have been bookmarked in Chrome are benefitted.
Number of Comments: Lots of comments on a page is an indication of user interactivity and popularity and hence are kept at priority.