Keyword Research for an Article for Better SEO Results

Keywords are the basic foundation of Search Engine Optimisation (SEO). Most of the traffic which comes on your website is through search engines. You think it by considering yourself in the same situation. If you want to get information on any topic, how many times do you enter the URL (Uniform Resource Locator) of a website? Almost every time you search it on Google, rather than entering the website’s address. Everyone is surfing for information, products and services and every other individual search with different keywords. Search Engines display accurate and relevant results according to the keywords entered in the search box. And therefore, you need to do a good keyword research for the better optimization of your article.
So now the question arises “What are the correct and the most searched keywords, using which we can get the link of our website among the top results displayed on Search Engines like Google ?” “How to do a successful Keyword Research for an article?”
First of all, compose a list of keywords which are related to your article in your opinion. Think and jot. Think that if you would have to search about that particular topic, what you would have entered to get the best results. Jot down all the keywords which come in your mind and are appropriate to promote your blog online.
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1Use Google Keyword Research Tool:
Use Google Adwords Keyword Planner to search for the keywords related to your article. Google keyword shows 3 things about each keyword. One is its Local Searches, second is its Global Searches and the third is its Competition. You are advised to use keywords having High Global and Local Searches and Low Competition. You should never choose a keyword with high or medium competition as high competition keywords are for paid results and not meant for organic searches. So, choose your keywords carefully.
2Use Tools from PPC Campaigns:
Google AdWords also provides you with keyword research option. It is free of cost and you don’t need to start a campaign to start with it. It will provide you information about various phrases and keywords that people use as search queries related to the information, products and services available on your website.
We have discussed that what all alternatives do you have to choose keywords, that is, how to choose keywords for an article? Now, I’ll answer to one more important question. You must have thought a lot many times- “What kind of keywords i should focus upon to get the best results?”
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1General Keywords:
These are the 1 word keywords. These are unspecific and very general words used by people. But are not good for organic search optimization as they are very highly competitive.
2More Specific Keywords:
These keywords are phrases containing 2-3 words. They maintain a decent balance between the traffic and the significance of your website.
3Long Keywords:
These are phrases with 4+ words. These are extremely specific and are responsible for driving more than 70% traffic on the internet. Using these will help you In increasing your traffic a little bit.