Make money from home by Google Adsense

How to make money from home by Google Adsense?
Amazed to see people earning online and want to be a part of it? Want to make money from home? Then here you go….
You may use to think many times that how come it is possible to earn millions merely from a website. How come some businessmen are dependent only on the earnings from their website for their survival and are living a life full of luxuries. How come is it possible to make money from home by just developing a website and uploading regular articles on it? So now let’s get started…
The concept to make money from home or precisely I must say earning online is very simple but needs a lot of hard work. The very first concept through which a person can generate a handsome amount of income is earning through Google AdSense. It’s all a game play of advertisements. All companies of all fields want their product to get advertised, may it be through television or newspapers or internet or any other mode of media. So now one of the biggest modes of advertisement is internet and all companies want to advertise their products on various websites. But companies do not have a direct contact with the owners of the websites. So they provide their advertisements to Google which forwards those advertisements to different websites. But Google does not provide advertisements to each and every website. There are some basic norms which need to be followed by that particular website; only then that website will get the advertisements from Google. Websites apply for AdSense on Google; Google checks the websites and see if it follows all the norms, then it provides AdSense to that website. After the websites get the AdSense, the websites get the income according to the number of Ad clicks and the number of page views just like any TV Channel will get when a company will advertise its products on that channel. This is one of the ways to make money from home but you need to keep some particular things in mind.
Some of the basic norms of Google to apply for AdSense are:
1Website must be designed on an SEO friendly theme.
2The domain of the website must be at least 3 months old for foreign websites and 6 months old for Indian websites.
3The website must have unique and quality content.
4Its articles must contain relevant links which is a plus.
5Not only posts but Images must also be given proper titles, alternative words and meta description.